PCE is hosting a Workshop on “R Programming Language” for Teachers on Saturday, 9th November, 2019. The workshop will be conducted by IIT Bombay, through a remote center at MES’s Pillai College of Engineering, New Panvel (Remote Center ID: 1100).

R (http://www.r-project.org/) is a Free / Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) – a well organized and sophisticated package – that facilitates data analysis, modeling, inferential testing and forecasting. It is a user-friendly software that allows creating new function commands to solve statistical problems. It runs on a variety of UNIX platforms (and similar systems such as LINUX), Windows and Mac OS X. R is one of the most preferred open-source languages for analytics and data science. The cross-platform compatibility of R and its capacity to handle large and complex data sets makes it an ideal tool for academicians to analyze data in their labs.

Every participant (both Teachers and the System Administrator) has to pay Rs. 100 as the course fee to IIT Bombay at the time of online registration. On the day of the workshop, i.e. on 9th November, 2019, they have to pay Rs. 300 to the Remote Center that they would be attending, to defray the cost of organizing the workshop, lunch and coffee / tea.

The Last Date of Registration:
8th November, 2019, 12.30 p.m.

The URL for Registration:

Please Select Remote Center Name:
MES’s Pillai College of Engineering, New Panvel (Remote Center ID: 1100)

For more details of the Workshop, please see the brochure.

Mr. Amol Kharat (Course Coordinator)
Ms. Sushopti Gawade (Remote Center Coordinator)